Today, we introduce another of the workshop’s speakers, Antonio Machado, who will be talking about “Nature conservation: nature at stake”.

Antonio Machado (Madrid, 1953) was a lec­turer in Ecology at the University of La Laguna (Tenerife, Canary Islands), superin­tendent of Teide National Park, adviser on environmen­tal policies for the Presidency of the Spanish Govern­ment, regional councillor of the IUCN (Inter­­national Union for Conservation of Na­ture) and presi­dent of the Euro­pean Centre for Nature Conserva­tion (ECNC).

He has also worked as an inde­pendent consultant for sever­al inter­national organiza­tions and foreign cooperation programmes. Between 2008 and 2018, he headed a public foun­da­tion in the Canary Islands (Granadilla Environ­mental Obser­­va­tory), and he was also editor-in-chief of the Journal for Natu­re Conser­vation (2001-2021).

Currently, he continues privately with entomological research (started in 1975) and is a full member of the World Aca­demy of Arts and Science and of the Canarian Academy of Language.

In addition to a large number of technical and scientific writings (mostly Entomology), he has also written more general books like Eco­logía, medio ambiente y desa­rrollo turístico en Canarias (1990), T. Vernon Wollaston (1822-1878). Un entomó­logo en la Macaro­nesia (2006), The Psycho­sphere. Do we need a new Ecology? (2006) or 28-D Enclave de humor (2012), the latter with filmmaker Santiago Ríos. His last book (2022) is scientific: The Macaronesian Laparocerus. Taxonomy, Phylogeny, and Natural history.