Establishing partnerships with local NGOs (non-governmental organizations) is necessary, not only to fulfil the project’s objectives, but mainly to actively involve the local population in nature conservation work.

In this sense, an environmental interpretation walk was promoted in partnership with the Associação Os Montanheiros – Pico nucleus, which culminated in an environmental volunteering action for planting endemic flora species.

The group helped in the renaturalization of the pasture surrounding the Lagoa do Caiado (laggon), with the planting of 72 plants of Short Leafed Juniper (Juniperus brevifolia), Azorean Heather (Erica azorica) and Azorean Blueberry (Vaccinium cylindraceum). In the end, each participant sponsored a plant, which after being identified, will be subject to regular monitoring, in order to assess its growth rate over the coming years.

Thank you to all participants for their enthusiasm!